Tutorial Speakers

Here is the list of the renowned scientists who have accepted to give a tutorial talk during the IQFA's 9th Colloqiuim. Each tutorial talk is associated with one or two thematics covered by IQFA.
  • Prof. Jacqueline Bloch (CNRS, University Paris Saclay, France) QSIM - "Polariton fluids in semiconductor lattices".
  • Prof. Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva, Switzerland) FQA/QSIM - "Cold atoms and condensed matter: a love story".
  • Prof. Dominic Horsman (University Grenoble Alpes, France) FQA/QPAC - "The logic of quantum error correction".
  • Prof. Christopher Eichler (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) - QPAC - "Quantum information processing with superconducting qubits".
  • Prof. David Poulin (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) QPAC - "Quantum algorithms and error correcting codes".
  • Prof. Wolfgang Tittel (TU Delft, The Netherlands) - QCOM - "Quantum repeaters".
  • Prof. Félicien Schopfer (LNE, France) -  invited talk - QMET - "Advances in quantum electrical metrology".
  • Prof. Omar Fawzy (LIP, ENS Lyon, France) -  invited talk - QMET - "An algorithmic approach to quantum communication".
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