
i-SITE MUSE, the Montpellier UniverSity of Excellence project i-SITE MUSE, the Montpellier UniverSity of Excellence project
"Receiving I-SITE certification will help amplify partnerships between socio-economic stakeholders and the MUSE scientific excellence cluster on all levels".
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is a public research institution under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI). The CNRS Institute of Physics (INP) focuses on research thematics related to radiation, matter, and fundamental laws. Those studies come with two main motivations : understanding the world, and answering current societal challenges. The CNRS Institutes of Engineering and System Sciences (INSIS) and of Information Sciences (INS2I) also support IQFA.
University of Montpellier University of Montpellier
"For eight centuries, renowned scholars and scientists, from Rabelais and Curie, to Renaudot, Chaptal and Grothendieck, have been shaping this open university".
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), CNRS / University of Montpellier Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), CNRS / University of Montpellier
Multi-thematic Physics Research Laboratory, the L2C is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5221) between CNRS and Université Montpellier.
ID Quantique (IDQ) ID Quantique (IDQ)
ID Quantique - From Vision to Technology.
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